GABF Week Events 2018
We have a ton going on the week of GABF!
Monday, September 17th:
Eddyline Brewing, 5p-7p: Five beers tapped, brewery giveaways
Bonfire Brewing, 5p-7p: Five beers tapped, brewery giveaways
Tuesday, September 18th:
Westbound & Down, 4p-6p: Five beers tapped, pint glass giveaway
Crooked Stave, 5p-7p: Three beers tapped, pint glass giveaway
Outer Range, 5p-7p: Five beers tapped, pint glass giveaway
Wednesday, September 19th:
Verboten, 4p-6p: Five beers tapped, meet the brewer, pint, and brewery giveaways
Aspen Brewing, 5p-7p: Five beers tapped, pint glass and merchandise giveaway
Gravity Brewing, 6p-8p: Five beers tapped, pint glass and sticker giveaway
Thursday, September 20th:
Paradox, 5p-7p: Three beers tapped, pint and brewery merchandise giveaways
Good River Beer, 6p-8p: Three beers tapped, pint and brewery merchandise giveaways
Avery Brewing, 6:30p-8:30p: Five beers tapped, meet the staff, pint and merchandise giveaways
Friday, September 21st:
Station 26, 2p: Special tapping of Same Day IPA
Liquid Mechanics, 3p-5p: Three beers tapped, pint and merchandise giveaways